We hosted our 5th Annual Charity Fun Dog Show on 28th August and had a great turn out yet again! The weather threatened rain during the morning but brightened up in time for the show to start.
Great turn out and support
We had a great turn-out from our lovely clients and friends again, along with help from West Lancs Dog Display Team and some volunteers from Lloyds Banking Group. This year we were raising money for two good causes – Nowzad and HackBack.
Nowzad is a UK charity set up by a Royal Marine sergeant to help stray an abandoned dogs and cats in Afghanistan. Some are re-united with soldiers who’ve met them over there, others looked after in the first animal shelter in the country.
HackBack is a social enterprise run by psychologists helping a wide range of individuals to improve their well-being and help achieve their full potential in life. They work collaboratively with the Helath Services to combine psychological therapies with interaction with birds of prey including the lovely Murray the Owl who was in attendance on the day.
On the day
The entries for the dog classes were many and varied as usual! The raffle did really well thanks to some great prizes being donated by our suppliers and other local businesses. There were pony rides and face-painting along with music from local musicians and the tea stall sold so many cakes that Howard spent his afternoon in the kitchen continually baking Victoria sponges!! The best thing about the day though is the lovely community atmosphere it seems to generate. We all love being a part of it.
£1000 raised!!
We raised £1000 pounds to be split between these two amazing causes so we owe a massive “Thank You” to all involved including clients, helpers and sponsors.
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